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Want to know how to get over a break up? Here are six secrets to help you get your life together and move on!
Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: Two Weeks to Three Months

Here's How:

  1. Bond with other Singles.
    At any given time, you probably have a mix of friends in loving relationships as well as those searching for love. Don't be afraid to look-up single friends you haven't seen or spoken to in a while and make plans for Friday and Saturday night. You'll stay busy on the weekend and maybe even rekindle an old friendship.
  2. Start a Social Hobby.
    If there is a hobby or activity you have been meaning to try for the first time, or take-up again, this is your chance. Focus on activities that allow you to meet new and interesting people. Examples might include a cooking class, sports league, or bridge club.
  3. Go Easy on the Next Person you Meet.
    Beware of continuing unfinished business with the next person you meet. If you didn't have a chance to truly close the door on your last relationship, don't project your open issues on the next unsuspecting soul. See the new person as a clean slate and allow the relationship to unfold with no connections to your past.
  4. Don't Sling Shot your Ex.
    It can be very tempting, particularly on lonely nights, to look up your ex or accept an invitation from your ex for a rekindle. The more you fall back on your old ways, the harder it will be to truly move on. Don't fall for the short term satisfaction of a night out or easy hook-up at the expense of stirring up all the hurt from the breakup.
  5. Apply What You've Learned.
    Take out a journal and write down everything that went well versus what could have been better in your relationship. Be honest since you're the only one looking at the entry. What could you do better next time? What positive traits did your ex possess that you should look for in the next relationship, or maybe even incorporate into your own style?
  6. Talk About Something Else.
    Everyone goes through a period of venting to their friends and family about what went wrong and how your ex deserves to go straight to prison. It's okay to do a little venting, but spare your inner circle from an endless tirade for months at a time. Commit to yourself that the next time you call a close friend, you'll focus exclusively on them. This will help you get out of your head for awhile and start feeling normal again.

Extract from About.com

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